In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, local businesses often struggle to stand out and reach their larger audience and target audience. With the constant influx of new content and updates on various platforms, it can be challenging for businesses to keep up and maintain their online marketing, business directories or online directories, social media presence, online visibility or online presence.
However, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked in this fast-paced environment is the regular review and updates of local business content and business listing. As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind,” businesses that fail to regularly customer review and update their content risk being forgotten by happy customers and potential customers and losing out on valuable opportunities.
In this article, we will delve into the importance of regularly reviewing and updating local business content, and how it can maximize the potential of your business in the digital world.
From understanding the impact of outdated types of content to learning effective strategies or business strategies, powerful tools, marketing efforts and SEO strategies for keeping your content strategy fresh and relevant, this article will provide vital insights for local businesses looking to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. So, let’s dive in and discover the key to unlocking the full potential of your local business content.
An Effective Content Publishing Process
Achieving a notable milestone is when your local business establishes an effective content publishing process that seamlessly aligns with your business description, hours of operation, time constraints, fulfills your objectives, yields fruitful outcomes, and, most importantly, caters to the demands of your audience or your customer concerns and customer behavior.
You consistently produce exceptional articles, blog posts, guides, reports, infographics, and various other valuable resources. Moreover, if you have truly mastered this art, you adhere to the 80/20 principle, dedicating 20% of your time to content creation and the remaining 80% to strategic promotion.
However, there comes a juncture for each asset in your content marketing arsenal wherein you may either:
- Neglect its existence
- Recognize its obsolescence and lack of relevance
Rather than witnessing the gradual dissipation of the fruits of your previous labor, the local enterprise you are promoting can effectively adopt the ensuing procedure to ensure the business reputation, customer retention and ongoing efficacy of older content.
Step 1: Schedule regular content audits

Ideally, your content management system should possess the capability to track your articles by date, enabling you to establish a clear timeline for the pieces of content you wish to evaluate. In the event that this feature is absent, it is recommended to create a duplicate of this complimentary Google Sheet, where you can record essential details such as the title, link, date, topic, and status of the articles you intend to assess.
Ensure to allocate dedicated time for this process at least once per annum. The frequency at which your content becomes outdated is contingent upon several factors including the pace of changes within your industry, the frequency of updates within your business, and the ratio of time-sensitive content type to evergreen content that you produce.
In the hypothetical scenario mentioned previously, an article detailing the construction of a birdfeeder using garden waste remains relevant both in 2019 and potentially in 2024. Nevertheless, it presents an opportunity to incorporate new internal links to recently developed content since its initial publication.
Conversely, a news-oriented piece guiding local birdwatchers to a specific area for observing an eagle’s nest within the community in 2019 may no longer hold relevance five years hence, if the birds have relocated. If your user-generated content heavily revolves around current affairs, it is logical to acknowledge that yesterday’s news has become outdated today.
However, it can still possess value in various circumstances; you simply need to evaluate each piece diligently during the review process.
Step 2: Assess older content via these paths

Consider an illustrative blog instance for each pathway depicted in the aforementioned diagram. Envisage the proprietorship of a thriving botanical haven, accompanied by a dynamic blog. Amid the year 2024, an epiphany dawns upon you, recognizing that the content generated five years ago may not aptly or effectively reflect the current stance of your enterprise.
Consequently, a meticulous examination of all blog entries from the year 2019 commences.

The initial inquiry encompasses a paramount matter: Does this particular content possess enduring relevance?
Post #1
The findings affirmatively assert the pursue relevance of the subject matter label in the initial post, where an exhaustive examination of compost. The necessity for individuals to acquire knowledge regarding the superior compost brands remains unabated, thereby corroborating the ongoing significance of this article.
However, upon meticulous evaluation, it has come to light that certain portions of the information provided have become obsolete. Regrettably, one of the five brands subjected to scrutiny during the study is no longer available, necessitating the acknowledgment of its discontinuation.
Consequently, it becomes imperative to offer an alternative brand as a suitable replacement. Furthermore, it is prudent to eliminate any references to the year 2019, as such allusions may inadvertently convey an impression of outdated content to both discerning readers and discerning relevant search engine algorithms.
To rectify these above concerns, it is endorse that readers be promptly literate of the conclude product and be grant with a worthy substitute brand. Additionally, eradicating all references to 2019 is counsel. Notably, the specific timing of the aforementioned case study is of negligible consequence.
By explicitly mentioning that the post has been modernize for 2024, readers and search engine rankings will be certain of the freshness and accuracy of the information provided.
Post #2
The subject under discussion remains pertinent, affirming the answers to be in the affirmative – the information introduce is still relevant, while simultaneously negating any notion of obsolescence. However, it is worth acknowledging that the timestamp affixed to the post has grown increasingly antiquated.
During the year 2019, you meticulously documented the outcomes ensuing from your endeavor to cultivate a portion of your nursery with native plants, thereby fostering an environment conducive to attracting the Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies. In addition, you diligently captured the tangible results through photography.
The valuable content of this post, devoid of any temporal limitations, possesses an enduring quality and compelling visuals. Nevertheless, a potential course of action may entail imparting a sense of rejuvenation by conducting another photo session, revealing the exponential business growth in butterfly populations over the course of the past five years since the initial planting took place.
By sharing this updated and awe-inspiring post across your expansive network of social proof, social channels and you can confidently disseminate enthralling and relevant information.
Post #3
Following this, you may respond negatively when asked if the information regarding water rationing regulations in your region during the summer of 2019 is still applicable, as your community has fortunately experienced abundant rainfall in recent winters.
However, it is equally plausible to respond affirmatively when asked if the content can be revised and republished to regain its relevance. The focal advantage of cultivating native plants lies in their ability to withstand drought, hence you can modify the article to encompass the fundamental principles of drought-tolerant landscaping.
By reflecting upon the occurrences of 2019, this piece can adequately prepare clients for forthcoming dry periods.
Post #4
Lastly, we arrive at an article regarding the previous proprietor of the establishment, who transferred ownership of the nursery to you in 2020. Consequently, the content featured in this piece is now deemed irrelevant and revising it is not a viable option due to the individual’s disassociation from the brand.
Instead, a fresh post could be crafted showcasing the present owner of the company, while simultaneously retiring and redirecting the 2019 article to the new content.
To facilitate the management of each older piece, it would be advantageous to maintain a record of their status in a spreadsheet, using labels such as “update,” “refresh,” “revise,” and “retire,” alongside notes outlining the necessary actions to be taken for each asset.
In Conclusion
Our fictional nursery scenario exemplifies a local enterprise confronted with a substantial undertaking of evaluating a backlog of several years’ worth of content. Perhaps you find yourself in a similar predicament at present.
However, by adopting a more proactive approach and consistently assessing your legacy content, you can minimize future burdens by reviewing smaller sets at manageable intervals.
The remarkable advantage lies in the fact that once you have meticulously reviewed and updated any robust older pieces, you will possess a vast array of rejuvenated assets that you can proudly showcase on your website and all your review platform, social media posts or social media platforms. By adhering to the principle of the 80 — 20 rule and ensuring that older works do not go unnoticed, you can truly harness its potential for your benefit!
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